Essay Globalization

Globalization Affect Education In Indonesia

            Globalization has a positive and negative effects on various fields of life, including in the field of education. Education is the key for developing country, because with education a generation in a country can be well educated and trained. There are changing in education of Indonesia that affected by globalization.
            Globalization developed the learning method to E-learning. This learning method does not require the teachers and students to do face to face. Indeed this can be an option for students who have a lot of activities, because the e-learning method is accessible at anytime and anywhere and it is flexible.
            In the past, it was very difficult for students to do exchange students. But, because of the globalization students are easier to do student exchange. There are a lot of International organization that provide student exchange. Students who have the opportunity to student exchange are required to be able to understand the culture and also the environment, therefore students are expected to have extensive knowledge and insight.
            On the other hand, globalization increasing social inequality in society. Technology-based education method can be an opportunity for a country to improve its education, but in fact the progress of technology and information in the world of education needs to be accompanied by mental readiness and a lot of investment. In Indonesia, using technology-based education method can only be enjoyed in urban areas, while schools in rural areas continue to lag behind due to difficulties in access.
            Globalization affect education in Indonesia and it has positive and negative effects. The positive are Leaning method has developed to E-learning and easier to do student exchange. And the negative is increasing social inequality.


  1. Its a good topic and essay. Good job ayu!!

  2. Hi Ayu^^ you have a great essay. I think for make it better you change the word 'a lot of' to 'a considerable number of, many'. Good job♡

  3. hai vidiakk, its a good article but maybe u can added your outline first before u created your essay, thank u

  4. Hiii ayukkkk... your essay is very good and the outline is very clear so i can understand your essayy.... goooddd job!!!!

  5. Hi Vidiak, your essay is good, but it would be better if you put the outline above the essay. And maybe you can delete the word "using" on the sentence "In Indonesia, using technology-based education method can only be enjoyed …"

  6. Great one! I think it would be even nicer if you could elaborate some points and all that. But this simple essay is already good enough for me. Like they always say, there will always be room for improvement. Good job!


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