
Showing posts from June, 2019

Government should provide free health care through tax

            There are a lot of people on Indonesia who can’t afford health costs for themselves. And many of them also can’t use the high standards of health service since the price is too high for them. Hence, the role of the government is very important to overcome this problem. I agree with a statement that government should provide free health care from the tax that is paid by the citizens. I will describe my argument in the next paragraph.             In Article 28 A of the 1945 Constitution stated “All people have the right to live and have the right to defend their lives” then reaffirmed in Article 28 H paragraph 1 that, “every person has the right to live physically and spiritually, and get an environment live a good and healthy life and have the right to get health services”. This why government should provide free health care from the tax. The citizen has the right to live healthy and enjoy the health care services from government.             Everything that causes hea

the differences and similarities between language and mathematics

Language and Mathematics Language and mathematics are the important subject. They are have a lot of impact in this world. Many people think that language is easier that mathematics. But, that is not always true. Language and mathematics have differences and also similarities. There are several differences between language and mathematics. First, mathematics is leaned under assumptions of perfection. When it is two plus two always equals to four. whereas, language is learned under assumption of reality. When it is two plus two is not always equals to four, it can be 5 or larger. Second, mathematics is more logical and language is largely artistic. Third, there is only one solution to every mathematics problem. On the other hand, there are at least 100 different ways or can be more to express the same idea using language. The important difference is that when learning math people have to deal with numbers. But language is more with constructs, logical thinking, systems thinking a