the differences and similarities between language and mathematics

Language and Mathematics

Language and mathematics are the important subject. They are have a lot of impact in this world. Many people think that language is easier that mathematics. But, that is not always true. Language and mathematics have differences and also similarities.
There are several differences between language and mathematics. First, mathematics is leaned under assumptions of perfection. When it is two plus two always equals to four. whereas, language is learned under assumption of reality. When it is two plus two is not always equals to four, it can be 5 or larger. Second, mathematics is more logical and language is largely artistic. Third, there is only one solution to every mathematics problem. On the other hand, there are at least 100 different ways or can be more to express the same idea using language. The important difference is that when learning math people have to deal with numbers. But language is more with constructs, logical thinking, systems thinking and analysis.
Beside having differences, language and mathematics also have similarities. They both follow strict laws. Both language and mathematics can be learned to points of practical perfection. The more you practice language and mathematics, the more you good at it. And the last similarity is the brain must first attribute meaning or value to elements of either in order to build a learning pattern.
In conclusion, language and mathematics have differences and also similarities. Both language and mathematics have their difficulties too. So, when people think that mathematics is more difficult than language, that is not always true.  


  1. Such a nice essay, full of information. Good job vid!

  2. Hi , it's a very good essay. You explain it clearly and it has right stucture and it easy to read. Good Job !!

  3. That's a good essay! Containing clear information and easy to understand. Thank you!

  4. Good one! There's always a room for improvement. Keep up the good work! x


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