the advantages and disadvantages internet

Modern life has become easier because of the internet technology. We can use internet to communicate with people around the world, doing online business, searching information, studying and etc. Every day the internet continues to provide a new facility, something that is highly convenient and it makes life easier for everyone. However, there also disadvantages of the internet. These are the advantages and disadvantages of the internet.
There are a lot of advantages of the internet. First, the convenience of financial transaction. Most people use the internet in a whole aspect of life. Now, a whole of banks have a feature of financial transaction through internet. It's called Internet Banking. As a result of this, people can do financial transactions everywhere and every time. Second, the convenience of internet in education. Nowadays almost everything use the internet. And one of it is for education, beside from books, now everyone can gain new knowledge from internet because all information and sources are there. Third, the convenience of internet in business. The internet is very useful for marketing the product or service. We can sell our  products via the internet. This method is more effective than marketing door to door or direct sales. The internet makes sellers and buyers do not need to be face to face in making transactions. Ease that is increasingly sought after by consumers today.
The internet provides many advantages, but it also has the disadvantages. First, theft of personal information. Everything that we post on social networks is permanent and unlike a letter it can’t be torn or burned. Today’s youth don’t understand the damage a random picture or post they uploaded on social networks can affect their life in future. Second is cyber-bullying. Bullying is not only happens in playground, but also in the digital world. Hurtful words are exchanges and  spread boarder. Consequently, the internet users say their peers are mostly unkind to each other on social media. Third is unable to keep schedules. Teens use the Internet to do a lot of things like looking for information, corresponding, paying bills, and doing financial transactions. However, in the case of Internet addicts, they spend most of their time engaged in browsing, chatting or gaming, instead of doing what they are actually supposed to do. Also, they are unable to keep track of the time they spend in doing such activities. As a result, they are not able to keep up with their schedules.
In conclusion, we can see that there are both advantages and disadvantages of the internet. Internet can make people’s life become easier. However, internet also have disadvantages that will harm the users of the internet. In my opinion, as long as we use the internet carefully, we can prevent the disadvantages of the internet and only enjoy the advantages.


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