The World's Ocean Are Filling Up With Waste Plastic

                Plastic has become an everyday part of our lives. Plastic plates, bags, spoons, glasses and other material are readily available in the market. People prefer using plastic since it is affordable and easy to use. However, plastic is actually not disposed off easily. It continues to remain in the environment especially in the ocean. People throwing a hundred of plastic and it will go to the ocean that cause pollution. It is very dangerous not only for human but also for marine animals. Even though plastic cause several problems, there is always the solution.
                The problem of plastic pollution that often occurred is a hundred of plastic in the ocean killed a hundred of marine animals. As proof of it, separate studies from 2013 suggest as many as 50 percent of sea turtles are ingesting plastic at an unprecedented rate and dying because of it. Also, there are a number of seals and sea lions that become entangled in plastic bags or plastic packing bands leading to injury and death. Plastic pollution deeply impacts species of fish, this is the one animal that is also commonly eaten by humans. Another example of it is 90 percent of seabirds eating plastic that causing death.
                Plastic pollution impacts every living organism in the oceans of our world. This is not acceptable. The balance of our ecosystem is essential to our quality of life and will ultimately depend on when the world decide to stop turning a blind eye to the issue and make the necessary lifestyle changes. The United Nation already make tools for solving this problems. It is called Sustainable Development Goals 14, life below water. One of the target of SDG 14, life below water is reduce marine pollution including plastic pollution. There are a hundred of organizations that collaborate with United Nation to realize this goals including government in Indonesia. Other than that, to reduce plastic pollution is actually start from people itself. Change the use of plastic to reusable bag when shoppers go shopping, single use straw into stainless straw, etc. People will don’t feel the impact of lifestyle changes, but it will give impact to the ocean even it is just one of single use straw or plastic bag.
                In conclusion, the oceans already affected with plastic pollution. It still can be changed. The government already provide the tools. But, it depends on us to because it is start from us.


  1. Such a great essay, easy to read and understand. The structure also correct. Good job yuu

  2. Hi Yu, it's such a good essay, you stated problems and solutions clearly, good job.

  3. Hi, i think your essay is a good. Because your sentences is clear, easy to understand and used good evidences. Good job!

  4. great essay! its very clear and informative :)

  5. Hi! I found your essay is very nice. The problem are stated clearly and easy to understand. Good job!

  6. Thanks for sharing this information, it's really important for us to take care of the ocean

  7. what a persuasive essay! you did it very well ☺️

  8. Hi! Your essay has structured according to the sequences, good job ^^

  9. Great essay! Your explanation is clear and the structure already correct. Good job!

  10. Your essay structure is good and clear explanation

  11. Hiii evening. Your essay is really awesome. I really like the structure and the content also really great. keep do what you do.

  12. Hi, Ayu! What an inspiring essay! U did it very well! Keep up the good work!


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