
Manufacture Essay

This diagram explains about the process of the glass production and  glass recycling. Overall, the producing process consists of  4 stages, beginning with the mixing of materials and ending up with the glass containers. The recycling process consists of 5 stages, beginning with the collection of a used glass and ending up with the molding into new products. The first stage is glass production. First of all, the raw material such as sand, soda ash, limestone, and other chemicals are mixed. Then, the raw material is melted in a glass furnace with the temperature approximately 1500 ° C. The melted raw material is then shaped by molten glass blowing technique. Next, the shaped glass is put into a glass container. The second stage is glass recycling, first of all is the collection of used glass. Then, the used glass is sorted by the color. After that,  the used glass are washed to remove impurities. Next, the product are crushed and melted. The last step, the glass is mould

The World's Ocean Are Filling Up With Waste Plastic

                Plastic has become an everyday part of our lives. Plastic plates, bags, spoons, glasses and other material are readily available in the market. People prefer using plastic since it is affordable and easy to use. However, plastic is actually not disposed off easily. It continues to remain in the environment especially in the ocean. People throwing a hundred of plastic and it will go to the ocean that cause pollution. It is very dangerous not only for human but also for marine animals. Even though plastic cause several problems, there is always the solution.                 The problem of plastic pollution that often occurred is a hundred of plastic in the ocean killed a hundred of marine animals. As proof of it, separate studies from 2013 suggest as many as 50 percent of sea turtles are ingesting plastic at an unprecedented rate and dying because of it. Also, there are a number of seals and sea lions that become entangled in plastic bags or plastic packing band

the advantages and disadvantages internet

Modern life has become easier because of the internet technology. We can use internet to communicate with people around the world, doing online business, searching information, studying and etc. Every day the internet continues to provide a new facility, something that is highly convenient and it makes life easier for everyone. However, there also disadvantages of the internet. These are the advantages and disadvantages of the internet. There are a lot of advantages of the internet. First, the convenience of financial transaction. Most people use the internet in a whole aspect of life. Now, a whole of banks have a feature of financial transaction through internet. It's called Internet Banking. As a result of this, people can do financial transactions everywhere and every time. Second, the convenience of internet in education. Nowadays almost everything use the internet. And one of it is for education, beside from books, now everyone can gain new knowledge from internet becaus

Government should provide free health care through tax

            There are a lot of people on Indonesia who can’t afford health costs for themselves. And many of them also can’t use the high standards of health service since the price is too high for them. Hence, the role of the government is very important to overcome this problem. I agree with a statement that government should provide free health care from the tax that is paid by the citizens. I will describe my argument in the next paragraph.             In Article 28 A of the 1945 Constitution stated “All people have the right to live and have the right to defend their lives” then reaffirmed in Article 28 H paragraph 1 that, “every person has the right to live physically and spiritually, and get an environment live a good and healthy life and have the right to get health services”. This why government should provide free health care from the tax. The citizen has the right to live healthy and enjoy the health care services from government.             Everything that causes hea

the differences and similarities between language and mathematics

Language and Mathematics Language and mathematics are the important subject. They are have a lot of impact in this world. Many people think that language is easier that mathematics. But, that is not always true. Language and mathematics have differences and also similarities. There are several differences between language and mathematics. First, mathematics is leaned under assumptions of perfection. When it is two plus two always equals to four. whereas, language is learned under assumption of reality. When it is two plus two is not always equals to four, it can be 5 or larger. Second, mathematics is more logical and language is largely artistic. Third, there is only one solution to every mathematics problem. On the other hand, there are at least 100 different ways or can be more to express the same idea using language. The important difference is that when learning math people have to deal with numbers. But language is more with constructs, logical thinking, systems thinking a

Essay Globalization

Globalization Affect Education In Indonesia             Globalization has a positive and negative effects on various fields of life, including in the field of education. Education is the key for developing country, because with education a generation in a country can be well educated and trained. There are changing in education of Indonesia that affected by globalization.             Globalization developed the learning method to E-learning. This learning method does not require the teachers and students to do face to face. Indeed this can be an option for students who have a lot of activities, because the e-learning method is accessible at anytime and anywhere and it is flexible.             In the past, it was very difficult for students to do exchange students. But, because of the globalization students are easier to do student exchange. There are a lot of International organization that provide student exchange. Students who have the opportunity to student exchange are re

Outline of Essay

Outline of Essay Topic : Globalization affect education in Indonesia Support Sentence 1 : Learning method has developed to E-learning Support Sentence 2 : Easier to do student exchange Support Sentence 3 : Globalization increasing social inequality Conclusion :  Globalization affect education in Indonesia and it has positive and negative effect. The positive are Learning method has developed to E-learning and Easier to do student exchange. And the negative is globalization increasing social inequality